
How Electric Coops can rapidly deliver broadband to the community

Although large financial resources have been allocated over the past few years in the USA to bridge the rural digital divide, the National Rural Electric Coop Association (NRECA) indicates in its last report from Sep. 2018 that approximately 6.3 million electric co-op households, totaling 13.4 million people, lack access to adequate, high-speed broadband service (25/3 Mbps).

Broadband connectivity for smart ports

With the continued growth of maritime trade and container volumes, port operators would like to become more efficient, improve productivity and cut costs. Incorporating automated operational processes at the port is a preferred solution to address future growth challenges.

Have your cake and eat it - TWICE!

Contrary to the title, this blog is not about food. It's actually about trade-offs. In life, we are often faced with decisions where trade-offs are involved - choosing one thing at the expense of something else. But no more!