
How Electric Coops can rapidly deliver broadband to the community

Although large financial resources have been allocated over the past few years in the USA to bridge the rural digital divide, the National Rural Electric Coop Association (NRECA) indicates in its last report from Sep. 2018 that approximately 6.3 million electric co-op households, totaling 13.4 million people, lack access to adequate, high-speed broadband service (25/3 Mbps).

Overcoming the 3.5GHz spectrum bottleneck for Broadband services

3.5GHz as a licensed band, enables operators to offer SLA service and a committed information rate (CIR) - guaranteeing downlink and uplink speeds to their business customers. But the main challenge of the 3.5GHz band is the small amount of spectrum available

ABTN Service No Longer Acceptable for Rural Customers

Not long ago, rural customers had few options and had to settle for Anything’s Better Than Nothing. But customers aren’t very happy ABTN service. Not at all!

Q&A with Gurmukh Neote - CTO of Irish ISP BBnet

Not only did JET allow us to re-open a closed sector, it allowed us to deliver high quality bandwidth and charge a higher price to increase monthly turnover.