Last week, the Cape Town Comedy Club was the venue of a casual yet informative (and most definitely fun-filled) RADWIN evening.
Over 70 partners and customers gathered together from across the African continent to join RADWIN for wine, dine and to have a good time!
Participants were given a quick first-hand update about our new Carrier-Class Wireless Broadband portfolio for service providers that can cater for both enterprise and residential customers.
Following the short presentation, some of the finest South African comedians took to the stage and very quickly, roars of laughter could almost be heard the other side of Table Mountain!
Thanks to everyone who came and made it such a memorable evening!
RADWIN provides a full suite of wireless point-to-point, point-to-multipoint and broadband mobility solutions, powering applications including backhaul, broadband access, private network connectivity, video surveillance transmission as well as wireless broadband in motion for trains, vehicles and vessels.